Caregiver Burnout and Self Care
I have presented on the topic as a panelist and hosted workshops for community members and mental health providers. When discussing this topic, I provide psychoeducation on boundaries, burnout, self-care, personality disorders and codependency. I discuss the family system, cultural norms and normalize the difficulty of being a caregiver along with the rewards. I coach attendees on how to identify domains in their life that need self-care and collaborate on an accessible individualized plan for participants.
Latinx Community and Mental Health
I have presented on the topic as a keynote speaker, panelist and hosted workshops for community members and mental health providers on the topic. My objective is to provide psychoeducation on specific challenges that the Latinx community faces regarding mental health. In addition to discussing: stigma, language and financial barriers; special attention is focused on discussing the impact of migration, acculturation, assimilation, internalized racism and systematic racism on one’s emotional well-being.
Impostor Syndrome
I have presented on the topic as a keynote speaker, panelist and done round table discussion for college students, early career professionals and women. I discuss the impact that Impostor Syndrome with in the education system, work force and community. I provide information of mental health risk such as anxiety, trauma and depression which can alter one’s brain chemistry and can impede one’s ability to perform. I discuss contributing factors (i.e. culture and gender roles, 1st Generation, lack of diversity and representation) and interventions to address Impostor Syndrome (i.e. developing networks, mentorships and a sense of community).
Community Violence, Toxic Stress and Trauma
I have presented on the topic as a panelist and hosted workshops for community members, recreational leaders and mental health providers. The training objectives are to: provided information on community violence, toxic stress, trauma (i.e. factors, side effects) and increase ability to recognize warning signs and develop an action plan. I provided interventions focused on improvement of quality of care when working with individual that have mental health issues or have experienced trauma.
Rise Training
Conducted as a workshop targeted to caregivers, educators and mental health providers. The objective of the workshop is to provide knowledge for reducing barriers to permanency for LGBTQ+ and gender-variant children/youth in and out of the child welfare system.
Eating Disorders
I have presented on the topic as a keynote speaker, panelist, seminar to K thru 12 educators and hosted workshops for community members and mental health providers. I provide psychoeducation on the various eating disorders and warning signs, provide community resources, highlight the experience of marginalized identities, sharing current research and treatment options, and promotion of Health at Every Size.